I just lost 50 pounds!

Okay, actually *I* didn’t lose 50 pounds, I lost 50 pounds of monitor!
I finally caved in and replaced my old Dell Trinitron. It’s been a great monitor, I’ve had it about 9 years I think. It’s a 21″, does 1600×1200, and has been very reliable. But it weighs 67 pounds!
Last week my co-worker Bret pointed out a cheap deal on Dell LCD monitors, using a few online coupons, so I caved in and bought a Dell 2005FPW for about $475. This monitor is a 20.1″ widescreen that does 1680×1050. And hey, it only weighs 17 pounds!
So far the monitor is great! With the digital DVI input, the clarity is incredible, and it’s quite high contrast. Reduced resolution games are slightly blurry, but hey in a year or two I’ll be able to run at native resolution with no problem. 🙂 The only problem I’ve had so far is that my computer refuses to identify the built-in USB 2.0 hub. Who cares?






2 responses to “I just lost 50 pounds!”

  1. Chris Melissinos Avatar

    Awesome! Another friend of mine just got this one as well and he loves it. BTW, I noticed your shelving in your place (behind the flat panel). Kind of looks like this huh? http://blogs.sun.com/roller/resources/ChrisM/wallogames.jpg

  2. markdeloura Avatar

    that looks very familiar!