Year: 2007
“Shooting War” book now available
Awhile back, I posted about a fantastic web comic called “Shooting War”. It is political satire at its finest, combining an entertaining story and compelling characters with a created future based on today’s world of strife in the Middle East, global warming, and increasing corporate power. I found the web comic to be can’t-put-this-down reading. […]
C’etait un Rendez-Vous
November’s WIRED magazine referred to a 1976 movie called “C’etait un Rendez-Vous”, an 8-minute balls-out barrelling through Paris city streets in the early morning, in a Ferrari 275. Of course, I had to find it and watch it, and of course, it was on YouTube. Now THAT’S a fast ride! Update 8/23/2012: There was a […]